Overhead Cleaning

Over time dust and debris from manufacturing operations collect on overhead pipes, ductwork, light fixtures, structural steel, ceiling plenums, etc.

Customers often use our company to clean specific areas and use their own people if they have the time, to do more routine cleaning.

Good manufacturing practices (GMP’s) include a systematic approach and documented Master Sanitation schedule that addresses proper cleaning of these overhead areas in food manufacturing and food related manufacturing.

Beacon Industrial Cleaning inc. personnel have been trained in all types of environments to clean overhead contamination from trusses, rafters, pipes, etc. Our OSHA certified lift training ensures your production area is safe and free of contamination during the cleaning process.

Plant equipment and machinery is fully protected during the cleaning process. Those areas not included in the project will be isolated to protect against cross contamination.

Maintaining a trained, qualified internal sanitation workforce tends to be an expensive alternative to selecting a qualified contractor to provide this service on a scheduled basis.

We would welcome the opportunity to earn your business and develop a partnership that will ensure that your industrial cleaning needs are satisfied.
We are available 24/7 to meet your cleaning needs

including holidays upon advanced notice.